Abdominoplasty and Pregnancy

Mom Baby 2Two common questions I hear from women considering abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) are: “Can I undergo abdominoplasty prior to having children?” and “Are there any serious risks if I become pregnant after tummy tuck surgery?” Although the answers to these inquiries may vary from patient to patient, the following information can often apply to the majority of individuals.

From a health standpoint, it is generally fine to receive a tummy tuck before having kids. That said, I typically recommend that patients wait until after they are finished having children before considering abdominoplasty. The reasoning behind this recommendation is that women who become pregnant and have children after receiving a tummy tuck will most likely restretch the skin and muscle tissues of their abdomen, potentially jeopardizing the results of their abdominoplasty. In many instances, this leads to the need and/or desire for revisional surgery to help restore the firmer, flatter abdominal contour achieved with their original procedure.

In regard to any risks associated with becoming pregnant after tummy tuck surgery, most women do not need to worry. Apart from the previously mentioned aesthetic issues that may arise, getting pregnant following abdominoplasty should pose no health concerns to you or your baby. In the event you do get pregnant post surgery, however, it is important to again note that an additional abdominoplasty or mini abdominoplasty may be necessary to restore your initial outcome, should you desire to do so.

Dr. Jon Kurkjian, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

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